Monday, February 15, 2010

Hvac Condensate Line Frozen Why Is My Condensate Line Leaking?

Why is my condensate line leaking? - hvac condensate line frozen

I have an old (before 1993) HVAC York stars in my basement with a straight condensate runs into the ground under the house. soaked shortly after replacing the filter, which began leaking and the carpet near the kitchen sink. I see no cracks or problems with the line. I would just like some of the possibilities that might know the problem, so I can try it and see whether your problem.


  1. If your drain line is clogged known probable. Take the hose and water runoff from the line for a few seconds, depending on how long your line. running (long enough to get to the other end of chain, but not as long as the breaking of bread) If you have correctly downloaded, the water should come running back, the red line until the pot is empty.

  2. this is normal, maybe, if I understood correctly. Is it an inch PVC line, perhaps, if this is your online ITIS condenser drain is clogged with slag film and should be a T, are also preserved, you can beat in this line in any way, the garden hose in small clear plastic then pour it afetar some chlorine perhaps half a cup. do you change filters
